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Golem Lumberjack OP Deck

Average elixir 4.3

Cards used in this deck

Deck overview

We have had a lot of fun whilst trying this deck! The deck uses the OG golem backed up with a bunch of fun cards that can be deadly when all used together correctly. If you are looking to climb the ladder in Clash Royale this deck maybe for you.

Card guides



Win condition

This is your main win condition as in most golem decks. Play this when you know what counter cards your opponent has and when they are out of cycle. Double elixir is the main time to cycle your golem unless you have a large elixir advantage.



Key card

When used correctly the lightning spell could give you a massive elixir advantage and give you a great chance at winning your battle. Use this card either when finishing off a princess or king tower or when you can gain elixir by destroying multiple units at once.



Key card

The lumberjack should be played behind your golem so he can get some tower damage before unleashing his rage spell for the golem and other surrounding troops to use. Play him on defence if needed as he will also give your towers a damage rate increase when he is destroyed.

1x Single elixir strategy

You should start the match by using the barb barrel until your opponent has made his first play and you know what deck he is using. Try to hold off using the golem until you believe you have an elixir advantage or you have out cycled your opponents counter to the golem. Try to make positive elixir trades in this period.

2x Double elixir strategy

This is when this deck really comes into its own. Play the golem at the back of your towers and build an attack behind the golem with your night witch and lumberjack. Use the lightning spell to destroy enemy troops and the zap to clear swarm cards such as skeleton army or bats. Make sure to make use of the lumberjacks rage spell when he is destroyed by having troops around the area.