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Crazy Overpowered Hog Deck

Average elixir 3.8

Cards used in this deck

Deck overview

Want an overpowered hog deck that will trick your opponents? Then you have come to the right place with this OP hog rider deck. The interesting thing about this deck is itโ€™s not the meta - meaning it will be tough for your opponents to guess what cards you have in hand. We had a lot of fun using the deck, just make sure to use your hog rider efficiently and at the correct time to punish your opponent.

Card guides

Hog Rider

Hog Rider

Win condition

Use the hog rider on both offence and defence. The hog rider will be your main win condition. Later on in the match try to pair the hog rider with other cards on the counter push for maximum effect.



Key card

The tornado is a very effective spell when used correctly. Ensure this is used when either your wizard is on the field or your giant skeleton bomb is about to explode.



Key card

The wizard is your main air defence and should be kept alive as long as possible. Try to place him in areas where your opponent will not gain elixir and gain tower damage at the same time. If you are against a balloon deck try to keep him in cycle.

1x Single elixir strategy

Play this deck passively in the first stages of the match and try to figure out what deck your opponent is playing. If you can try to get an early king tower activation by using your tornado spell on defence.

2x Double elixir strategy

This is when you can start applying pressure to your opponent. Try to get chip damage to their towers by a combination of the hog rider paired with a spell. We found that the giant skeleton can be lethal when paired with the hog rider as it acts as a large distraction and can deal a huge amount of tower damage with his bomb on death.