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Best Current Mega Knight Deck

Average elixir 3.3

Cards used in this deck

Deck overview

This mega knight deck has proven its worth by being used by some of the pros on clash royale for the last year or so. The deck itself is a bait deck with skeleton barrel, bats and the goblins acting as your bait for your opponents spell cards. If you are facing a deck with a tank card such as a giant, golem or lava hound your inferno dragon should be kept in cycle to destroy them. One of the best plays is the skeleton barrel with spear goblins at the bridge. Good luck and hope you enjoy the deck!

Card guides

Mega Knight

Mega Knight

Key card

Your mega knight should rarely be used in single elixir - only if you can gain a large elixir advantage whilst destroying a lot of troops at once. When using the mega knight you should always use a counter push behind him and the miner for chip damage.

Skeleton Barrel

Skeleton Barrel

Win condition

This is your main win condition in the deck. Use the skeleton barrel to keep applying pressure to your opponents towers. The great thing about this card is that it deals a small amount of damage on death - enough to kill bats, goblins and skeletons dependent on level.



Win condition

The miner will act as another win condition behind the skeleton barrel. Use him to get some chip damage on your opponents towers.

1x Single elixir strategy

In the early game you should focus on getting chip damage to your opponents towers. Do no over commit with elixir as it will ruin your chances of being able to defend against your opponents attacks. Open with a skeleton barrel or miner whilst you work out what deck your opponent is using.

2x Double elixir strategy

This is when the mega knight comes into play. Use the skeleton barrel as a cycle card and try to build up a push behind. Use you bait cards to cycle out your opponents spells and defend using the mega knight. A key tip for this deck is using the mega knight wisely. Drop him on multiple troops and try to avoid tank killers such as prince's or P.E.K.K.A's.